How to find YouTube playlist total length
Sometimes you want to know what is the total length of the playlist of YouTube but YouTube doesn’t provide this information on the playlist page or anywhere else. It becomes extremely difficult if there are a lot of videos in the playlist. In that case, you can’t even calculate it manually.
While there are some websites and Chrome Extension which can show you this information but in this how-to, we will tell you about a web app that not only will tell the total playlist length but also several other promising metrics like how many channel’s videos are added in that playlist, what is the playlist length distribution, playback speed duration length and more.
Let’s get into the action to find what is the total length of the YouTube playlist. Jump to video tutorial
- Go to
- On this website, you will find a search field. Enter the playlist URL in that search bar and click on submit. In this search bar, you can either enter the full URL or just the ID of the playlist.
- Once you click on submit, it will fetch the details of the playlist and start showing it to you. Depending upon the number of videos the playlist has, it can take some time to generate the report.
- Once the report is generated you can see the complete details of the playlist
Following are the details it can show to you about the playlist
- Total number of videos the playlist has
- Total number of the channel the playlist has the videos
- Total duration in hours and minutes
- Total views
- Which channel has the highest videos in the playlist and which channel has the lowest videos in the playlist by count
- Which channel has the highest videos in the playlist and which channel has the lowest videos in the playlist by duration
- Different playback speed durations
- Playlist distribution by count
- Playlist distribution by hours
- Date published, privacy, ytPulse View, last ytPulse view
- All videos and their stats
- more
The web app not only shows the details of the playlist but can also show the total videos count and duration of a channel
Here is a video on how to find the total duration of a YouTube playlist in Hindi Language
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